Girl in Castle Anthrax
Girl in Castle Anthrax
Second Swallow-Savvy Guard / The Black Knight / Peasant 3 / Sir Lancelot the Brave / Taunting French Guard / Tim the Enchanter
Girl in Castle Anthrax
Dr. Piglet
Dead Body / Historian Frank
The Witch
Girl in Castle Anthrax
Dead Collector / Peasant 1 / Sir Robin the Not-Quite-So-Brave-as-Sir Launcelot / First Swamp Castle Guard / Concorde / Roger the Shrubber / Brother Maynard
King Arthur / Voice of God / Middle Head / Hiccoughing Guard
Girl in Castle Anthrax
Girl in Castle Anthrax
Girl in Castle Anthrax
Old Crone
Girl in Castle Anthrax
Zoot / Dingo

Monty Python i Święty Graal

"Monty Python and the Holy Grail"



